Friday, September 12, 2008

A love gone sour

Immediately upon her return from school this afternoon, Laura presents me with this:

In case you cannot tell, it is a note from the school nurse stating that she was seen in the clinic today for "Ice for bump/bruise to finger". I proceeded to ask her what happened in which she states that Keegan stomped on it. I asked her if he did it on purpose. The response: a shrug of the shoulders. So, not sure what this means. I will keep you all posted if she ever decides to spill the beans.

She never wants to talk about school for some reason. She was the same way last year. When asked what they did at school, they never seem to do anything. Every once in awhile she will tell us a story or explain things they did at school but most of the time she has no comment. I have heard that this is normal. You can bet I'll be keeping my ears open for the full story on the day's events...


tv said...

Laura seems so accident-prone...a girl after my own heart--or rather, coordination... :-p I wonder if the other kids sing the "sitting in a tree" song to, first grade crushes are tough.

Beth said...

Awww, poor Laura. Give her a hug for me!

The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

Children are hilarious. I saw things like this all the time last year! Luckily, I am teaching 3rd grade this year and crushes are more serious :p I hope Laura's ok and that this boy gets a clue!