On another note, I think it is hard being a mother of three. I don't have enough hands or ears to go around. For all you mothers of three (or more) out there, how do you handle three crying kids at a time???
Here is my most frustrating moment of the day yesterday:The school calls. Laura's teacher is on the phone. Laura is very upset & crying because she has spilled blackberries all over her shoes. She is in the bathroom trying to wipe them off. Is it possible for me to bring another pair of shoes. I, of course, agree that that would be best. I had just gotten out of the shower. Lindsay was not dressed. I tell Lindsay to get dressed and I hear Nathan waking up from a short nap. He is crying so I go to get him. While I am getting him ready to go, I hear Lindsay wailing from her room. She is frustrated because she cannot get her Polly Pocket dressed. Everyone is crying (except me who should be) and I am only one person. We eventually got our act together and made it to the school with clean(er) shoes.
Having three kids is definitely harder than having two! I'm making it though. Somehow we always get through those moments when I just want to scream!Here is my little reward from today:

I love the "blackberries + lunch = dirty shoe"! Hilarious!
I love being a mom!