My blog entries are not nearly as frequent as I would like or plan for them to be SO... I will be using this post to catch up on several topics I have been meaning to post about but just can't seem to find the time. Speaking of time, I have still been incredibly busy - getting about an order a day. Also, I have 57 of 72 pages done on my "huge order". I hope to be completely done with this one by next week sometime and I will be SO HAPPY! I have also been busy keeping up with the housekeeping though of course not up to my neat-freak friends' standards (Kristina and you others). Why do I have so many friends that are neat-freaks and I am so not? What does this mean? What does this say about me? About them?
SOOOO, is this better?

And no, I did not just shove everything in the closet (though my clever children seem to find this method of "cleaning" quite effective).

Next topic: When Perrys' Met Sally. Several weeks ago, Laura's first grade class made muppets. First they studied all about Jim Henson and the muppets. Then they all made their own muppet characters. This was too cute! I got to see several of the muppets when I went for Laura's parent teacher conference. Laura created a horse named Sally and wrote a story to go along with it. She was SO EXCITED for us to meet Sally. So far, she says this was her favorite thing about first grade.

Next topic: A blessed day - January, 25, 2009. Jeremy and I were so proud of Laura's decision to be baptized. She attended classes at church to learn more about baptism and it's significance in her life. She has expressed an interest in being baptized for quite some time and it was truly a joyous occasion for our family to watch her interest turn into reality. I am so thankful that she has chosen early in her life to follow Jesus. I pray that she will always seek Him no matter what her circumstances may be. She read a statement in front of everyone about her decision to be baptized and what it meant to her. I wanted to put it on here but I can't find it at the moment. It was great though - she really thought about it and took the initiative to write it out all by herself. I was so proud of her!
Unfortunately my photos are not very good because my camera battery was dead unbeknown st to me until I got to church. These photos are just "stills" from our video camera. Hopefully you'll get the idea though...
Okay, I'm getting REALLY annoyed because the photos are apparently on our laptop. Since they are not great photos anyway, I'm just going to forget it. Picture a beautiful girl being baptized in a pink shirt!!!!!!!
Next topic: Worms! My four year old little girly girl LOVES to dig in the dirt. Loves to find worms and keep them captive in her sand box buckets. She also LOVES to wear dresses. I just think these photos are cute. She's the perfect combination of girly girl & tomboy! : ) I don't love worms but I DO love these two girls!

Ahhhh, the smell of big, pink, wet worms in spring...
I suppose that's an adequate amount of catching up for now. More soon...