Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just to Catch Up!

I'm so far behind in my blogging and everything else in my life. I spent last week extremely ill with kidney stones so now I am another week behind in everything. It's so frustrating to be so overwhelmed all the time. I am hoping that as the kids start back to school (tomorrow) that I will feel a little less overwhelmed. I don't want them to go to school and at the same time, I tend to do better with a more strict routine for myself unlike the unorganized self I have been this summer.

Here are a few things I wanted to highlight this summer but never got to...

Laura spent a week at horse camp again this summer. This year she was responsible for "controlling" the horse all on her own. She did such a great job & looked so grown up on that huge horse! Her horse was being stubborn during the show but Laura did a great job.

My boy! He is now 20 days into being four months old & I have yet to post his 3 month photos. So, here are 3 months old & 4 months old.

He is an absolute joy! I am SO glad we decided to take that terrifying leap and have another child. He is so sweet and good-natured these days. He is rolling all over, army crawling himself right over to where the girls leave choking hazards out, he is *almost* sitting up. (He can actually sit by himself but loses his balance still.) He is growing so quickly, I can't believe it! A few days ago, he reached his arms out to me to pick him up for the first time. Nothing melts a mommy's heart like that does!
Tomorrow the girls start school. Lindsay has been somewhat nervous & anxious about starting Kindergarten. She met her teacher last week and seems less nervous now. Pray for them (& me) tomorrow if you think of it. Sending them (back) to school is always hard & I miss them so much. I know I will be sad to let Lindsay go for the first time. Luckily for me, she is only going to Kindergarten half days so I still get her for the other half day. :)
Beth is going to be mad if I don't post photos of "Wired" so I'll be back *real* soon to post those!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I love the pictures of Laura and her horse. So precious!

I'll say a prayer for you all tomorrow on the first day of school!

And, I can't seem to figure out what you mean by "wired". Hum...I'm going to chalk it up to it being 2:05 am. Yes, I still can't sleep. Never get an embroidery machine! You'll never sleep again! The only thing I can think of right now is:

wired (wy er d) = Doing crazy things around your house and in you craft room at all hours of the day and night because you have become a bit obsessed.

or maybe:

wired = When the wires in your stove malfunction causing a kitchen fire.


wired = Laying awake at night waiting for the sand man who seems to have skipped you house this night, a variation of the first definition.

No idea, I think I'll lay awake for a few more hours and try to figure out what it is. Yes, I'm not sleeping until I know! It's 2:13 now, maybe by 3:13 or 4:13 I'll have figured it out.