Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Favorite Little Boy!

A few updated photos as I adjust back into life/schedule/routine sort of...

He is the absolute sweetest, most delicious baby. I can't get enough of him! I do believe he may be my only babe with brown eyes like his father.


tv said...

loooooooove. i absolutely love him! he is so sweet. i cooed even louder with each pic. sigh. i wanna get my hands on him and cuddle!

The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

So adorable!!! He definitely looks a lot like his daddy!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Oh Amy
questo tuo bebè è veramente troppo bello....e dolcissimo con quelle sue manine coperte !
Dall'Italia, una coccola coccolosa :-)

Kristina said...

He is soooo very cute....and I hate to say this but in these pictures he looks just like his daddy....so much for our kiddos favoring us!

Beth said...

He is sooooo adorable!

Bethany Dawn Burns said...

Oh he is so ADORABLE!!!!! The last one is my favorite! Keep posting pics...love him. :)

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Amy
felice festa della mamma !!!