Ahhhh, I just can't seem to stay caught up with my life, whether it be blogging, house cleaning, orders from my shop, etc, etc. Actually, forget stay caught up, I can't catch up at all, let alone stay there! Life is busy, but good.
We have dealt with lots of sickness already this school year so that's not cool. Laura has been sick a bunch. I need to figure out something to get her well and keep her that way. She's always been so healthy, this is unusual for sure. She is home sick again today. She has no voice and sounds like a seal when she coughs. I keep teasing her that she sounds like a monster. Appropriate for the season I suppose.
I have been wanting to post these photos for awhile now. My little cuteness turned six years old late last month! She wanted an ambulance and a wooden train set for her birthday. She has wanted the train set for many months and she has also wanted the ambulance for awhile. She is so sweet. She thanked us at least 20 times for her gifts.
The weekend before her birthday she got a very quick, impromptu visit from her cousins and aunt & uncle. She loved that! Her cousin Karilyn is held in highest regard in her book! Karilyn is almost exactly one year older than Lindsay. We had a pizza & pinata party. Unfortunately it was getting dark & my photos didn't turn out but, trust me, a good time was had by all!
For her birthday dinner she wanted "chicken-in-a-pot" and green beans. (A whole chicken cooked in the crock pot with onions & carrots.) She had cupcake cones for her cake. She took in Play-doh with her name on it for her birthday treat at school. She chose a hot dog book (a history of hot dogs, actually) for her birthday book from the school library which Jeremy & I thought was hilarious!

As for the other six, my baby boy is SIX MONTHS OLD! He is absolutely precious, though all boy, I am beginning to see. He grunts & growls, he "passes gas" like it's his job. He throws everything on the floor, he can clear the table in about two seconds flat. He's rough, a hair puller, a head butter, a skin pincher. And, I love every ounce of him so very much! At his six month check-up, he weighed 14 lbs, 10 oz (10th percentile). He was in the 30th percentile for height.