I decided making a list would be a good idea (thanks Valli). So,
- Our dog ate my SD card from my camera and with that, about half the photos of Nathan's life. I now have a mostly empty baby book and a dog looking for a new home. (At least scrapbooking 2010 won't take me much time...)
- We have found the dog a new home. He will hopefully be moving in with his new family this weekend.
- Perhaps we are not dog people. I suppose we must be cat people then?
- Nathan will turn ONE in less than a week.
- His first birthday celebration will be monster themed. It required purchasing a new Cricut cartridge and stamp set.
- I finally bought a new camera to replace our Canon Rebel that was stolen in September out of our van. I used my Christmas & birthday money because I am tired of saving for a new Rebel and decided to buy something less expensive.
- The girls have been busy. They went to cheer camp a couple weeks ago. Both girls were selected to have some artwork featured in the school district's art show. Yay!
- I bought some adorable clothes for my sweeties to wear for Easter. I spent less than $25. Have I mentioned how much I love consignment shopping?
- Nathan is starting to say "words". We have now deciphered "Laura", "Lindsay", "dog" & "Daddy", though they sound nothing like the actual words.
- We STILL have quite a bit of work do finish in our house addition (painting doors, baseboards, casings, railings, some casings that still need to be cut, nailed, etc., curtains/window treatments hung, decorating)
- We are planning to put a patio in our courtyard this spring. We will be replacing our driveway at the same time. (See photo below - how trashy are we?!) We are excited to get this project underway so that we can enjoy our courtyard this summer!
- This post is really boring. Sorry.